Travail de commande pour le magazine local "C' le Mag" qui a bien aimé mes premières propositions et qui m'a demandé de pousser plus loin les recherches.
Voici donc cinq canards cleanés, mis en couleur et ombrés puis 3 nouveaux pour illustrer les différentes rubriques de leur magazine.
hey man! i saw that that you liked my demo reel on vimeo! so I clicked and loved all your animations on your account!
RépondreSupprimerand then I was brought here to your blog! nice work!! I'm an animation student from Canada : D
Thanks a lot for leaving a comment ! As this blog is spreading internationally, I'll start writing the post both in french and english
RépondreSupprimerNono youre getting better with the pass of the time, but you never loose that thing that makes it your style, i still can make up many stories in my head with each of your drawings